Massage therapy has an extensive history. Written records of massage date back 3000 years from China, and many other ancient civilizations are thought to have used massage techniques even earlier. The use of touch for healing purposes is part of human nature – think about how we lay a hand on a friend’s shoulder who is upset, or squeeze their hand to give them confidence during a stressful situation. Manual manipulation for holistic healing is used across all cultures and has become a fundamental part of many healthcare practices today.
Ula Katsoulis is a licensed craniosacral therapist in Manhattan who is passionate about the healing power of manual manipulation. She has been refining her skills as a manual therapy practitioner since 1994 and customizes each treatment to the client’s needs. In this blog, Ula will explain what the key principles behind massage therapy are and how they can improve your overall quality of life.
How Craniosacral Therapy in Manhattan Can Help You
Although there are many different kinds of massage therapies, there are a few fundamental principles they all have in common. Here are some of the basic doctrines of manual therapy and bodywork:
- Blood Circulation – Tension in the muscles restricts blood circulation, which hinders the body’s ability to provide proper nutrients and remove waste from body tissue. This can lead to many health issues and slower healing processes.
- Release of Toxins and Tension – trauma and tension can cause toxins to build up within the body, but manual manipulation helps move the toxics throughout the body so they can be released.
- Lymphatic Fluid Movement – The circulation of lymphatic fluid is almost as important as blood flow. The lymph system is vital in releasing waste, toxins and pathogens, and massage therapy can assist in this.
- Mind and Body Assimilation – Psychological conditions can negatively affect the body, and vice versa. In the same way, a healthy body feeds good messages to the mind. Massage therapy will help the two complement each other.
- Reduction of Stress and Increased Energy – Stress can lead to bodily aches and pains as well as other serious health issues. Massage therapy is a drug-free, relaxing way to release stress, heal your mind and body and leave you feeling physically able.
Call The This Caring Craniosacral Therapist in Manhattan Today!
All different types of manual therapies are founded upon the principles listed above because they have been shown to offer effective and lasting results. A craniosacral therapist in Manhattan like Ula Katsoulis has the knowledge and techniques to tie your mind and body back together again. Ula is a caring manual therapist who will listen carefully to what you have to say and can even provide other useful resources for your individual needs. Call Stillpoint Holistic Studios today at 646-645-5207 to set up an appointment so you can begin to see the benefits of massage therapy play out in your life.