The Heart Chakra, is also the fourth Chakra and is called “Anahata”. It is located in the center of the chest and its color is green. It is the Chakra of balance and love.
When this Chakra is balanced, we feel love and compassion for ourselves and others. There is harmony and serenity within ourselves. We are secure, accepting and confident that we are loved and have self love.
When this Chakra is unbalanced, we are insecure, possessive, and strongly attached to the people we love.
We have a hard time letting go of unhealthy relationships, and forgiving ourselves and others. We may feel alienated from others and suffer from loneliness, and also have a difficult time loving ourselves.
To get back into balance, we can practice loving affirmations that bring us back to center: to self love, compassion, and acceptance.
Affirmation example: ” I love and accept the part of me that is _______.”
Fill in the blank with an emotion or a state of mind: e.g.: angry, forgetful, messy, etc.
Do it daily and see how your heart feels!