Lymph Drainage and Inflammation
Inflammation is a combination of redness and swelling with heat and pain. Inflammation is the tissue’s immediate response to a recent irritation or injury. It’s a process that delivers blood, lymph and inflammatory cells , such as antibodies to destroy the aggressors, aka antigens.
Lymph drainage therapy is helpful for inflammation as it is used to clear and move the interstitial fluid between the tissue spaces of the body. Gentle, rhythmic movements are used to pump the lymph back towards the heart.
The lymphatic system and the circulatory system work together to pump blood and lymph throughout the body, ensuring healthy immunity and circulation that flows freely. Movement is life.
The movement of lymph fluid is crucial to the immune system, as it clears, detoxifies, and regenerates the tissues, from red, irritated tissue to healthy tissue again. The anti-inflammatory fighting cells can move freely to the injured site and do their job, once the stagnation ( swelling) has shifted from the use of lymph drainage therapy.