In Craniosacral Therapy, we have the concept of the “Inner Physician”, the voice inside us that knows where the pain is, and what to do about it so it can heal. we are blessed to have this inner healer that has so much wisdom to share, if we take the time and are open enough to listen and follow its guidance.
This “Inner Physician” can be our very soul, or our spirit guide(s) that directs the person to the ‘right’ Craniosacral therapist to work with to explore issues of a spiritual manner.
These spiritual issues can be lodged deep into the body’s tissues, in the psyche, in the soma as the ancient Greeks called it. They can be comprised of the present life we are living, or involve past lives, issues from the family of origin that span generations, other space/time dimensions, planetary realms, and so on.
The ” Inner Physician” is accessed when the body comes to a Stillpoint, i.e. when the craniosacral rhythm ( the rate of flow of the cerebrospinal fluid) suddenly stops, and a literal stillness in the body is created, indicating that something of importance is happening. We call the Stillpoint the ‘significance detector’, for something truly profound is going on.
Yes, it’s true, the body literally speaks. We can ask the body verbally if it wants to ‘talk’ using the cleint’s voice, or another voice, or if it doesn’t want to talk at all, but wants to do its work in silence. We ask for its permission if it wants to connect and engage.
The Craniosacral therapist is neutral, and asks questions, such as “What is your name?” and “Why are you Here/” to get to the reasons as to why the Inner Physician has chosen to speak up at this time.
The results can be transformative. For example, past life experiences that need resolution, fear and anger in utero, a grandmother’s pain in the client’s body and so on. The possibilities are truly infinite.
The client can consciously choose to see a Craniosacral therapist to connect with their spirit , or it can be a part of a session for physical pain, in which the spirit Self decides to’show up’ for deeper healing to take place.